Despite the title, I do have wonderful stories about this weekend to tell, but first I want to tell about my horrible day today. Last night, we went with a friend to a restaurant called Pizza Pino thinking that it would be a (what else?) pizza restaurant. However, there were only two pizzas on the entire menu. I wanted to try Japanese pizza (it’s VERY different), so I ordered one. What I wasn’t expecting to see on my pizza was shrimp, which is a fairly common topping here. I didn’t even think to ask for no shrimp! Luckily, the shrimp was only on three pieces, so I just didn’t eat those pieces. I didn’t even touch them. Whenever we got home, I carried on a normal night and went to bed. I remember waking up sometime last night and thinking that my stomach was a little upset. It wasn’t to the point of being sick but more along the lines of being uncomfortable.
When I woke up this morning, I had……….problems. I felt like crap, and I had three…….problems even before I left the house. I could have called in and taken a sick day, but today was the day that I was giving my Halloween lessons for the 3rd graders, so my participation in class was crucial. I drove to work, and when I got to work, I had another….problem. I had one free period before class, and one of my English teachers came over to me and asked if I was okay. I told her that my stomach hurt. The school nurse was handing out green peppers from the vice principal’s garden, and she, too, asked if I was okay. I told her the same thing, and she said I looked very pale. I went back to the bathroom two more times before class began, and one of those times I met the school nurse on the way out. She gave me a very concerned look and gestured throwing up. I told her that no I hadn’t but didn’t go into details about my sickness.
I went to the first class and suffered through. There are ten minute breaks between classes, and it was back to the bathroom. I think my English teacher was looking for me, and I ran into my other English teacher on the way out of the bathroom. She said it was time for class, so I grabbed my book and went. She asked me if I had thrown up, and I said, “No. I …….um………………” to which she responded, “I see. I think I understand.” Awkward. Not even halfway through the class period, my English teacher left the classroom. The students were doing group work, so they probably didn’t even notice, but I did. He was only gone a few minutes, and when he returned, he walked me down to the nurse’s room. They told me I could rest there. For the remainder of the class period, I laid down on a bed. Everyone kept asking if I needed to go to the hospital. (They don’t have doctors’ offices here. Everyone goes to the hospital regardless of how large or small your condition is.) I said no. I think they thought that I was afraid to go due to the cost. They tried to reassure me that going to the doctor in Japan was very cheap and that I could get some medicine. I wasn’t sure how to explain that I was pretty sure I ate shrimp and that’s what was causing this. I knew what my condition was, and the only medicine for me was time and a toilet.
They told me to just go home and rest, so by noon, I was back at home.
I’m feeling MUCH better now. I think whatever it was has passed, thank God! I felt really back about leaving my English teacher high and dry this afternoon with the Halloween lesson. I was really excited about it! I’m not sure if I’ll get to do it sometime later or not at all now.
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