Oh my goodness! I’m so incredibly, ridiculously, insanely so far behind in this blog! It’s going to take me a while to catch up, so please stay with me! I’ve been a lot busier at school the past week, so I haven’t had as much free time, and then last weekend was very busy, and now half of this week is gone. Blarg! For some lucky reason, I don’t have any classes tomorrow, so if I don’t finish today, I should have plenty of time to catch up tomorrow.
Okay, so back to last, last weekend. In the last blog, I said how we went to Beppu and stayed the night at Mary’s house so that we wouldn’t have to drive back so late. We had planned to wake up on Sunday morning and go to church. Despite the fact that after a long, long Saturday and us both being completely exhausted, we woke up early on Sunday morning. Both of us were sick, and it really, really, REALLY would have been nice to just sleep in. We had both woke up and blown several tissues worth of yellow-green snot throughout the night, (tmi, I know) but we tip-toed around, got ready, and loaded up the car. When I sat down in the driver’s seat, I asked Ian for the keys, to which he promptly said that he didn’t have them. We both had a moment of panic before tip-toeing back into Mary’s house and looking everywhere for them. I went back out to the car and started searching through our bags and found them at the bottom of Ian’s backpack. By the time we found our keys and got to church, we would have been fifteen minutes late. Instead of walking in late like the big, dumb foreigners that we are, we just drove home.
We got home only to realize that our pipes had frozen again. Oh, Japan, why must you be this way!?!? It wasn’t that big of a deal since neither of us needed to use the hot water immediately. We got online and skyped some people, and Ian made me take this personality test (link below).
It’s silly, I know, but this was actually a great personality test that summed us up perfectly! I always call Ian a dreamer whereas I’m the realist. He always says that I’m a dream-crusher, but honestly I understand what’s possible and what’s not in life. Spending Christmas in Australia….possible. Owning my own light-weight airplane with my own personal landing strip behind my house….not possible. Guess which dream is mine and which is Ian’s. Anyway, this personality test told me that I’m a good natured realist. It was basically me to a T. Even the stuff that I didn’t agree that sounded like me, Ian gave me examples of how I am that was exactly what the description said.
Fast forward to last Tuesday. It was a GORGEOUS day outside. It was that warm day still in winter that promises that spring is coming very, very soon. Whenever I got home, Ian had opened up all of the windows and aired out the house. I cannot tell you what a difference it made to have all of the doors and windows open. We are so used to living in our one tiny little room with all of the curtains closed to keep the heat in. It’s like we had a whole other house!
I still didn’t feel well on Tuesday, but we had a little Mardi Gras party at our house. Mary and Justine were the only ones who came over, but we all ate insane amounts of sugar. Mary brought little bakery cakes, Justine brought ice cream and hot fudge, Ian made a caramel pie, and of course we had Coke to wash it down. I attempted to made a drink that I had in Spain called “taza de chocolate”. It is a cup of really thick hot chocolate with real cream on the top. Bridget, my roommate in Spain, and I would always go get one after tests to make ourselves feel better. Anyway, I tried to make it by melting down chocolate, but it turned out to be more like fondue. Therefore, we did shots of fondue. I think it’s safe to say that we were chocolate wasted!!
My illness continued to plague me, so I went to the doctor on Wednesday morning and stayed home from school. Since the flu has been going around at school, they gave me a flu test to make sure that I didn’t have it, and luckily it came back negative. While I’m not officially sure of what it was, I was prescribed ANOTHER antibiotic (the third since coming here….I’m pretty sure that they’re giving to me like candy.) and three other medicines. While the pharmacist always tries to explain to me how to take each pill, (He even prints off pictures for me!) the real way I figure out how to take a medicine is through Google. As soon as I got back from the doctor, I crawled back in bed with Ian, and we didn’t get up until 2:30. It was a good, good rest and exactly what I needed! The rest of the day was spent curled up on our futon watching TV.
Okay, I’m running out of time, so I’ll stop here. Just one more week to get through, and I’ll be finished!