Greetings all. Last night, Ian posted some pictures of the snow in Yunomae. In some of the pictures, it was really difficult to tell that it was even snowing. I’m not sure why. The same thing happened to my iphone camera when I tried to take pictures. Even though it didn’t stick, believe us when I say that it snowed pretty heavily yesterday! When I woke up this morning and went outside, the mountain tops were covered in snow. I’ve never seen that in person, but it was quite remarkable!
Anyway, on to catching up. Since Tuesday was Daddy’s birthday, I woke up earlier on Wednesday morning to skype him. We talked whenever he got home from work, at 4:30PM central, 7:30AM here. It wasn’t a very long chat, but it was nice to wish him a happy birthday! I normally have to be at school at 9:15, but I had to be at school by 8:00 on Wednesday morning to do a song and dance number in front of everyone at the morning school rally with my 6th grade teacher. We did “head, shoulders, knees, and toes,” played Simon says, and played a game that involved rock, paper, scissors. The gym was FREEZING since it’s not heated, but it made me realize something. Schools in the States must waste A TON of money heating gyms. It’s a HUGE space to constantly keep warm, and it’s not used as often as the classrooms, which led me to wonder why more schools just don’t heat the gym and save that money. However, I quickly answered that question for myself. Some parents would probably complain about how their children are too cold and blah, blah, blah. MAN UP, AMERICA! I feel like if, for whatever reason, the heat went out at school in the States, school would be canceled. The heat isn’t even on in most of the classrooms here, and I don’t see anyone even complaining. If whatever little heat the school does have failed, I’m pretty sure they would tell everyone to put on another layer and keep on trucking.
I’m telling you. The Japanese are hard core! Americans are babies!
I had another realization on Wednesday. I really, really dislike my 6th graders. My Thursday night class is mostly made up of my 6th graders, so that explains that. What I realized is that my 6th grade class is mostly boys. For obvious reasons, I get along with girls better. Plus, boys at that age are jeeeeeeeeeerks! ……and they have cooties.
I experienced the BEST RECESS EVER on Wednesday. Usually, we go outside and play tag, but it was raining/snowing on Wednesday, so we had to stay inside. All I had to do was go out into the hallway, and a couple of students drug me into a classroom to play with them. Haha! I’m pretty sure that they thought that since they couldn’t play on the jungle gym outside, they’d use me as their own jungle gym. I had kids dangling off of me, trying to grab my arms, pulling me down, hopping on my back, etc. We started to play tag in the classroom, but it’s only so fun when you don’t have anywhere to run. Instead, they taught me a new game. Everyone except for two people lay belly down and hold hands on the floor. The other two people try to pull everyone apart. They tried to go for me first but soon realized that no, I don’t weigh the same amount as a 3rd grader. I ended up voluntarily getting up and helping to pull others apart. That was a really fun game. I posted a few pictures below of my kids. The first picture is me giving a piggy back ride, and the second are some of my best play mates. Notice the girl on the far left. She wanted to wear my coat. She’s a sweetie pie!
In other news, it’s cold. I am very jealous of all of you at home right now who are enjoying those 50s and 60s. Yeah, you guys stink! This is the bitterest cold it’s been so far. Everyone is complaining about frozen pipes. Speaking of which…check out these pictures! In the first one, please notice the water dripping out, and in the second one, look at all of the ice coating our hot water heater. Something tells me that’s not normal…… I emailed my supervisor this morning to ask her if that was normal and/or if anything needed to be done about it. She sent an “expert” to our house to check it out, so hopefully it will be all better when I get home.
Tomorrow, we’re going to Okinawa!! Ian, Justine, Melissa B, Mary, Amanda, and I are all going, and I couldn’t be more excited!! For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Okinawa is to Japan as Hawaii is to the States. It’s a beautiful, wonderful tropical paradise that people like to escape away to. We’ve been talking all week about what we want to do when we get there. I wish we had more time there because there seems to be like a LOT to do and not a lot of time to do it in. This time tomorrow, we’ll be touching down in Naha! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I can barely contain my excitement!
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