Monday, February 6, 2012

reasons why I love this week….so far

1) I spent the first two days of this week in magical, beautiful, fantastic Okinawa.  Enough said.

2) My first day of the week is Tuesday, which is not Monday.  That’s already a plus!

3) I woke up warm this morning.  That was the first morning in a long, long time when I didn’t dread pulling back the covers!  It wasn’t nearly as cold as it has been.  Shoot, I only wore two layers to work today!  Smile

4) I wasn’t sexually harassed at nursery school today.  As it turns out, the little boy who’s been touching me inappropriately is just a little trouble maker.  The other teachers were getting on him today multiple times about something; however, he did not try to grab me.  I guess I really scared him last time.  Yay!

5) When I got to the JHS today, I realized that I only have two classes this whole week.  Sweet!  I missed two yesterday, there was one this morning when I was at nursery school, four tomorrow when I’m at the ES, and then there’s one on each Thursday and Friday.

6) I had a good talk today with my students at lunch.  I wore my bracelet with the Catholic saints on it, and the students liked looking at it. 

7) I showed the third grade girls some of my wedding pictures.  I’ve been trying to show them pictures for a week, but they’ve been busy during break time with……something.  I was able to only show them a few pictures, but they really liked them.  I can’t tell you how many times I heard “KAWAII!!!!” (which means cute/cool/adorable/awesome)  or “AAAAAAAA!!!!” or “EEEEEEEEEEEE!”  I’m going to show them the rest on Thursday…..I think. 

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