Thursday I was at the ES to attend another farewell ceremony for the teachers who are leaving there. The rest of the day I spent looking busy at my desk and staring out the window at the beautiful spring day, wishing I could enjoy it! I wasn’t supposed to get off work until 4:45 that day, but my vice principal told me to leave at 4:30. Everyone was leaving then to go to an enkai, so they were closing the school. Sweet!
Ian and I had our second dentist appointments after school. This appointment was to clean our teeth. It was a ridiculously simple process, and I was only in the chair for about fifteen minutes. I had to wait on Ian to finish his appointment, but it was fine because I made a friend! There was a little girl with her parents in the waiting room, and whenever she saw me, she very hesitantly approached, bringing her stuffed bear and foam blocks. I played with those, making goofy faces as pretended to kiss me with the bear. When the magic from the bear and blocks died, I showed her a few apps on my phone. She loved punching the cat from Talking Tom and scribbling over pictures on Doodle Bug. We had a great time! Whenever Ian finished, he had to make ANOTHER appointment to get his cavity filled since all they did for him was clean his teeth. I found out why the Japanese dentist schedules so many appointments. It’s so that they can get more money from the insurance companies that way. Ha! The more times patients are in there, the more money they get. I guess that’s universal, huh?
Since we finished sooner than we thought at the dentist, I was excited to have time to spend working in my flower bed. On our ride home, I told Ian, “Oh good! I’ll still have another hour of sunlight to work outside.” He dropped his jaw, turned to me, and said, “You sounded EXACTLY like your mother.” I guess it’s true. Eventually you do turn into your parents.
My mother is SERIOUS about flower beds, and yes, I will admit it that I did sound like her, but I certainly don’t want to be as into flowers as her. I simply want to remove the dang gravel and plant a few flowers in front of my house.
Friday at work was spent finishing my April English board. After I hung it up, I noticed a huge blatant hole in the middle of it and had to find a way to fill that space. I thought about printing more pictures but decided that I would just make something to fill it, so I glued together some extra scraps of paper, and ta-da….I made stupid looking flowers! (below) I’m really excited about my featured foreigner this month because it’s my grandmother who’s turning 90 on April 21st. She’s still really active for her age, and I can’t wait for my kids to see her pictures when they get back to school next week.
Friday afternoons at school always seem to last the longest. I think it’s because I’m anxiously awaiting the weekend, so the day decides to just draaaaaaaaaaaag by. I met Ian at the super market to get a few groceries. A couple of my recently graduated third grade girls were there, and it was so nice to see them again! Ian and I both think it’s funny how so many students “hang out” at the local super market. Anytime we go there on Friday afternoons or on Saturdays, we’re definitely going to see students. They’ll ride their bikes there and mill around outside or browse through magazines on the rack. It’s kind of like how teenagers in rural areas in the States “hang out” at Wal-Mart because it’s often the only place to go. I talked to them for a bit but couldn’t help noticing their wistful glances at Ian. I think it’s hilarious how the JHS girls LOVE Ian. They don’t get to see him as often as myself, so when they do, they turn into blubbering giggly girls.
We worked outside in the flower bed again Friday evening. Ian hoes the dirt, and I sift it. He tells me that he hates doing it, but I think that secretly deep down, he enjoys it. Every time I come home and go work outside, he soon follows me out. He says the reason that he likes doing it is because he like to break things…aka the tough ground or rocks, but secretly I believe that hoeing the ground or cutting the grass with our simple sickle makes him feel like a man. I don’t mean to be biased, but I think that we are absolutely the cutest couple when we work outside together, and I think our neighbors like to see us outside together (pictures below). They always smile, wave, or bow as they pass by us.
Once the darkness drove us in, we ate a quick dinner, showered, and Ian began photo shopping the pictures he took that day while I cleaned the house (sounds fair, right? ) After sweeping, vacuuming, and washing the dishes, it was like I couldn’t turn off my cleaning mode. I cleaned out, wiped, and organized the fridge, mopped the floors, washed a load of clothes, and finally, FINALLY sat down at 10PM.
I’ve got loads more to write about from this weekend, so I’ll stop here…but know that the coming blogs include a school concert and our hike to the top of Ichifusa.
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