Yesterday I was definitely down in the dumps, but just as soon as it seemed like everything was becoming too much, it all turned around. My sweet friend, Ana, emailed me saying that she had read the last blog and wanted to offer her boss’s official translating services. Also, the Prefectural Advisor emailed me back saying that one of his co-workers called the JAF office, and JAF would indeed translate both my driver’s license AND driving record for the same price. Yay!
When I got home that afternoon, things were definitely better. There was a letter from Grandmother in our slot. That was exactly what I needed! She even included a couple of articles from the local newspaper, and it was just so nice to read about happenings in and around Paducah. After a tea break with Ian, I changed clothes and went outside to sift more dirt. One of the neighborhood girls came by and saw me working outside. She went back to get her friend, and both of them sat and talked with me. At first, they wanted to play in the dirt. I showed them how I sifted it and that I plan to plant flowers. They picked a few big rocks out for me, but then they stepped into the flower bed. Immediately I thought of how much this flower bed is making me become my mother. She doesn’t let ANYONE step foot in her flower beds for fear of that person accidentally crushing something. I don’t have anything planted yet, but they weren’t really paying attention to the difference between the nice sifted and rocky dirt, so I directed their attention elsewhere. We were playing tic-tac-toe on the concrete with rocks, but when that got too boring, I called for Ian to come out and play. He brought us the box of Easter goodies that Kim sent us earlier in the week. I shared a box of Peeps with them, and they immediately reached for the chocolate bunny and other box of Peeps, begging me to let them take it home. Come on, girls! I don’t care how cute you are……NO ONE is taking MY chocolate bunny!!
I opened the box of egg dye and explained the process of dyeing Easter eggs in my broken Japanese/English. Before they left, I gave them each some Easter stickers to take home.
Ian and I are pretty boring…and this is why. After I finished the first Hunger Games book on Wednesday night, I left it for Ian. He DEVOURED it last night. When I got home, he was reading and pretty much didn’t stop until he finished shortly before midnight. After I made dinner and dishes were done, I curled up next to him and read the second book. Ian is a ridiculously fast reader, so when I went to bed around midnight, he stayed up ALL night to finish the second book. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has the third book finished by the time I get home today.
It’s Friday! YAY! I’m especially looking forward to this weekend because we’re spending Easter in Kagoshima! Kagoshima is the prefecture south of us. Mary, Melissa, Justine, Ian, and I are loading into the car and heading to Sakurajima, one of the most active volcanoes on Kyushu. We’re going to a dinosaur park, village that was buried by the last blast (think Pompeii), and an onsen that is right on the ocean. Later we’re going to meet up with other friends and go to a sand onsen in which they dig a hole for you and bury you in the sand. We’ve never done that, but it’s supposed to be really relaxing and good for the skin.
So…..Happy Easter to all! Please eat plenty of Easter ham, coconut cake, colorful hard boiled eggs, Cadbury eggs, and all of the other goodness that comes from Easter!
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