Last week (as the title suggests) was a week of milestones.
Tuesday was our second anniversary. It seems crazy to think that it’s been two years already! We got a couple of cards in the mail, including pictures from my sister that were drawn by my nephews . My other sister, Amanda, sent us two UK wildcat T-shirts since the second anniversary gift is supposed to be cotton.
My parents sent us a 6-pack of Reece’s. Mommy knows how much we love Reece’s, and it was a lovely gift, but…….the summer heat didn’t think they needed to be kept in their original shape. Chocolate melted ALL over the inside of each wrapper. We had to put them in the refrigerator to re-solidify them.
What did we do for our anniversary, you might ask. I hate to disappoint, but it wasn’t anything big or flashy. I had to work on Tuesday. I told my second graders at the JHS who I ate lunch with that it was my wedding anniversary, and they clapped for me. I showed them a few pictures on my IPhone from the wedding, and they seemed sincerely intrigued. Then I asked if they had girlfriends/boyfriends. That is always a fun conversation to have because ALL of them VEHEMENTLY deny it, but inevitably someone snitches and tells me the equivalent of “Yuki’s lying! Yuki has a boyfriend!” which leads me to ask who it is. One of the kids will sneakily point his or her finger to another student across the room while poor Yuki looks absolutely horrified and vehemently denies it. That game went on for a little while, and for the students who didn’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I paired them up together and suggested marriage.
They were really grossed out by that, and as I said “How about you with……you?” and pointed out future partners, they would wrinkle their faces and shake their heads as if to say “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOT HIM/HER!!!!!” It was a really fun lunch!
That night we had our anniversary dinner—Ian made baked spaghetti, and I had prepared a cake. Unfortunately, my cake was still a little gooey in the middle, so it sank. It’s so hard to tell when rice cooker cakes are finished or not!! We used one jar of the delicious buttercream icing that Ian’s Aunt Margaret sent us, and it really made that cake superb! Yum! After that, we watched a movie, and that was our night. It was honestly a little lame because we didn’t do much.
Another milestone that I passed is that on June 13th, it was EXACTLY one month until I’ll be home!!!!
I am ridiculously excited about this and think about it at least once a day. I’ve been making a list of the things that I want to do/see/eat while I’m home. I know that time will probably go by very, very quickly, but I CAN’T. WAIT. The final milestone of last week was that as of July 14th, it is exactly one month until David and Lucy’s wedding. Hurray! I’m so happy and excited for them!
You all know how I love to share my dreams, so I wanted to tell about one that I had last week. I dreamed that I was back in Mr. Anderson’s 7th grade science class at my current age. We were taking the final, and Mr. Anderson always liked to move the desks around all willy-nilly so that no one had the opportunity to cheat. I dreamed that he pushed mine against the wall. After the finals were distributed, I was flipping through the pages looking at all of the questions and couldn’t answer a single one! Even though I’m twenty-five years old, I couldn’t answer one question on the 7th grade science final, and I was freaking out.
On Thursday, I had my eikaiwa class. Last week was elementary students, and I had more students show up than ever before! Everything was going well, and at the break time one kid leaned into me with a marker in her hand. I said okay, so she drew on my cheeks. On one side, I had a Japanese flag (below, left) and on the other was a heart (below, middle). She allowed me to draw on her cheek (very bottom), and another girl allowed me to “paint” her nails with a marker (below, right). (I don’t know what kind of ink was in that marker, but I really had to scrub to get it off!!) When class is finished, I always wait around in the parking lot for the parents to pick up the kids with Hiromi (the Japanese lady who helps me with the class). After all of the kids left, she went back to her car and called me over. She had got me a sweet anniversary gift.
Hiromi is really good with arts and crafts and had made an artificial flower arrangement. It was very sweet of her!!
I wrote in previous blogs about how nice the weather was even though it is currently rainy season. Last Friday proved me wrong. IT. RAINED. ALLLLLLLLL. DAY. It was just that heavy driving rain that NEVER STOPPED. It was miserable. It started on Thursday night and didn’t end until Sunday morning. There was no break…..just HEAVY. DRIVING. RAIN.
We had a wonderful weekend, but I think I’ll end here and save that for the next blog. Continue reading, my dear blog followers!
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