Sunday, May 26, 2013


This is a short blog, but I wanted to write a quick post before lunch.

I’m not a creeper…..I promise.  However, I enjoy watching our neighbors.  My kitchen window looks right out at their house, so I see them often as I cook or wash the dishes.  I think that they are absolutely precious.  They are a married couple maybe a little older than Ian and I and have a toddler.  The baby cries a lot, (and with thin Japanese walls, we hear it A LOT) but she is a cutie.  We’ve never really talked to our neighbors other than the occasional “Konnichiwa” when we see them outside. 

What makes me really like them is that I think they are really in love.  A LOT of Japanese married couples are together because they know their societal duty is to get married and have kids.  I’ve seen/heard of more loveless Japanese relationships than I can count.  What’s even worse is that NO ONE gets divorced in Japan, so they stay in these miserable relationships just going through the motions for the rest of their lives.  Therefore, I’m happy for my neighbors who actually found love.  I know that they love each other because they do cute things for one another.  I’ve seen the wife greet the husband at the door when he comes home from work with the baby.  (Not in the HERE!  TAKE HER! kind of way but more like DADDY’S HOME!!)  Or when the dad leaves to run errands or something, she’ll stand at the door and wave bye-bye with the baby.  Precious!  Yesterday, I saw the husband open and hold the front door for the wife to go through first.  Awwwww!  I think that they are the cutest! 

Which got me thinking… people watch us and comment on how cute Ian and I are as a couple?  I had to think about this question for about three seconds before I realized the answer…..YES.  Just because we are foreign, different, and already married, people (especially teen girls) think that we are just the cutest together.  I’m pretty sure that I could throw a clod of dirt at Ian’s head, and people would still think “Awwwwww!  Look at the cute foreigners!”  ;)

That’s all for now!

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