1) It’s Monday: Enough said.
2) The weather: It’s cold and rainy. It’s been a steady beating rain since I woke up this morning. I don’t complain as much when it’s cold and snowy or hot and rainy. It can be one or the other, but COLD and RAINY???? uuuuuuugggggghhhhhh…….
3) Wet pants: I rode my bike to school today like usual. I should have thought about that. I noticed the bottoms of my pants getting a little wet, so I thought if I rode fast enough and avoided the puddles, I could get to school with minimal pants wetness. My plan worked out until I got off my bike and realized that my butt was wet. I went to the bathroom inside to inspect the damage, and sure enough, it looked like I had peed myself.
Luckily, I wore my black scarf today, so I tied that around my waist and butt. It looked kind of silly, but it was better than the alternative!
4) New schedule: I never got a schedule last week of what classes I have this week, so I really didn’t know what to expect this morning. I noticed that some things were off, and one of my English teachers told me that this week there is a different schedule to allow the students a free period for conferences with their homeroom teachers. I hate new schedules because sometimes I don’t always understand where I need to be.
5) The town idiot: I lost track how many times I made a fool of myself in the classroom today. Yeah, today was one of those days.
6) It’s ONLY Monday: There are four more days in the work week. Days like today make me want to curl up into a ball and cry and/or go home immediately, put on sweatpants, and do nothing but eat chocolate and watch TV for the rest of the night.
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