Yesterday I concluded my blog by saying that I was going over to Melissa’s house for a 4th of July BBQ with a few other people. After school, I came home and finished cutting the grass. It was ridiculously out of control, and it looks SOOOOOOOOOO much better now that it’s cut. Some of the neighborhood kids saw me outside and came around. They were on a little scooter, so of course I hijacked it as they ran behind me screaming, “Nani kilo? Nani kilo?” (How much do you weigh?) Apparently there was a weight limit for it, and after I told them that I weigh fifty-five kilos, they were satisfied and let the crazy foreigner ride to her heart’s content.
I went inside around 6PM to shower and get ready. I left around 6:30 even though I didn’t have to be there until 7:30 since I had to drop off my recycling, get gas, and pay a bill. I wanted to get there a little early because Melissa is always really good about helping us set up for parties, and I just wanted to return the favor. When I pulled up to her house at 7:20, everyone’s car was already there. I was really surprised and wondered if perhaps I had gotten the time mixed up and was supposed to be there at 7 instead of 7:30. When I opened the door, I heard a mad scramble and went into the living room where everyone was, peach cobbler and ice cream for the 4th party in hand. As soon as I walked in the living room, everyone froze for a second and then Melissa said, “What are you doing here so early?!?! You’re usually late!!” (To which I responded, “Yeah, but usually Ian’s with me!” ) The jumbo size party poppers went off, and in about three seconds I was covered with confetti streamers.
Mary made me a pretty, pretty princess crown (above left), Rebeca had driven all the way down from Nishihara (about two hours north of us) just to hang out with us, and everyone had prepared an all American feast, including chips and salsa, fried chicken, garlic bread, french fries, onion rings, pasta salad, and oh so much more! It was wonderful!! Everything was delicious and tasted like AMERICA!!! They even made me a poster, and everyone wrote a personal message (below left) and cake (below right). The best thing about the cake was that it was a REAL cake with REAL icing and not that Japanese fluff crap. Yum!! Melissa told me that even Ian had a pretty big hand in planning all of this. Even though he wasn’t there, he still managed to surprise me!!
I feel so utterly blessed to have such amazing friends who would go out of their way to make me feel special! It certainly was an amazing gift! Unfortunately, our night had to be cut short since all of us had to go to work the following morning. I was waaaaaay too giddy and excited to go to sleep when I got home around 10:30, so I skyped Mommy and Daddy and then Ian and David. I told them everything about the party, and they were excited to hear it.
I finally crawled into bed around 12:30AM……..
……only to wake up this morning at 5:27AM to some guy weed-eating RIGHT beside my house. HONESTLY…….WHO WEED-EATS AT 5:27AM!?!?!?! After about ten minutes of tossing and turning, I was able to go back to sleep (thanks to the pillow I mashed over my ear). Darn you, Japan and your crazy intense work ethic!!!
That’s all for now. Tomorrow is my actual birthday, and I’m off to the Menkyo Center to attempt to get my license for the 5th time. Please, please, PLEASE say a prayer for me!! If I don’t get anything else for my birthday, getting that license would be the best thing that could happen to me. Hopefully I will have a very positive blog to write about tomorrow…..
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