Ian and I decided to have a little friendly competition. He joined a self-motivating website, Fitocracy, which gives you points for your workout. The points are arbitrary and do nothing other than hopefully motivate you to get more points. ………that’s EXACTLY what it did for us! Ian posted his workout on Facebook on Wednesday afternoon, and I saw it. When I got home, I asked him about Fitocracy, and he told me how to get it. I asked him how he got that many points, and my goal automatically became to beat his points. I didn’t care what I had to do, I just wanted to beat him. Therefore, I hopped on my bike and sped away for a little while which resulted in a 107 point workout. Woot! I achieved my goal. Before the night was over, we got the ball rolling to have a little friendly competition.
We’re going to track our workouts for a month. Whoever gets the most points at the end of thirty days wins. Game on. I don’t care what I have to do. If it means riding my bike for two hours a day, I’m game. Ian is so cocky and completely in disbelief that I can beat him, so I have a ridiculously strong desire to prove him wrong. The kid is going DOWN! I know how he operates. He’ll go strong on this for a few days and then give up or forget about it. That’s when I’ll step up and BEAT HIM! WOOT!
So….exactly how serious are Japanese students when it comes to school? This should give you some indication. One of my JHS boys broke two (not one but TWO) fingers on his right hand. They are his middle and ring fingers. I’m not sure how that would be handled in a school in the States, but I’ll tell you right now that there is absolutely no pity for him in Japan. Even though he has this HUGE bandage/brace thing splinting two of his fingers (It’s huge and obnoxious. It’s probably about the size of a 4X6 index card), he’s still expected to hold his pencil and complete all of his work. I watched him struggle to grip his pencil and write, feeling sorry for the kid the whole time. Poor kid!
This weekend is my elementary school’s sports festival. Too bad a typhoon is going to blow through and potentially cancel it! If that happens, I’ll feel really bad for all of the kids and teachers. They have worked SO. FREAKING. HARD. preparing for this, and I hate for one little act of nature to snub them.
Even now as I write this, I can hear them practicing across the street outside on the field. I know that it will be rescheduled for another date, but I’m sure that all of the teachers and students are both excited and just really, really ready to have it over with.
It is exactly one week from the date to when we pick up Margaret in Osaka! Woo-hoo!!! I’m really excited to have another visitor in Yunomae. Just like when Mommy was here, it’ll be nice to show her around and have her be able to put names to faces and understand where we live and what it’s like to live here. One week!!
That’s all for now. Enjoy the weekend. For those of you in Paducah, enjoy BBQ on the River. Please eat a BBQ sandwich, fried Twinkie, and cheesecake on a stick for me! *stomach growls*………
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