Today is Thanksgiving. As I’m writing this, I know that my family is together at home prepping up for that big feast. It suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks being abroad more than anything at this time of the year. I can deal with it other times. It’s not a problem other days. However, whenever I know that my family is together in front of the fire place watching the Macy’s Day Parade, having the annual contest to see whose pie will get eaten first, or play post-dinner card games, it makes it a bit difficult. In addition, I’m stuck at work all day today. I don’t even have classes today. I’m just supposed to sit at my desk and look pretty. Last night as I was packing my lunch for today, I realized just how crappy of a Thanksgiving it was going to be. Not only do I have to work all day, but my Thanksgiving lunch is going to consist of a peanut butter and honey sandwich, banana, and orange.
Not exactly the traditional meal…… Plus no one here understands that today is a holiday for me. I’m surrounded by others who know nothing of Pilgrims and Indians and think that today is just another day of work. This afternoon when I go home, I’m going to go home to a lonely house. Ian has class tonight and will leave right before I get off of work. He won’t get back until 10ish. My Thanksgiving dinner will probably consist of some noodle or rice dish that I throw together. UUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! I WANT TURKEY!!!!
I suppose I should stop whining and be thankful for the things that I have. I have the love and support of Ian. Not being 100% completely alone during the holidays makes it easier. I’m thankful for the opportunity to live and work in Japan. I’m thankful for this sweet job that I have. I’m thankful for my amazing friends over here. I’m thankful for my health. (I’m going to probably worsen my health by ingesting a million calories tomorrow, but that’s tomorrow!) I’m thankful for the fact that in a month I’ll be hoping on a plane and heading to sunny Australia! I’m thankful for my friends and family at home in Kentucky and look forward to being with them next holiday season! I’m thankful to be an American and have unlimited opportunities that other nationalities don’t get to see. I’m thankful above anything else for a God who has granted me such a blessed life.
Even if today is crap, I have tomorrow to look forward to. Since it’s a national holiday here, we’re getting together with our American friends and having Thanksgiving dinner. Ian is waking up early to smoke the turkey. (Turkey is hard to come by in Japan. Since it’s not indigenous to Japan, it’s not like we can just go to the grocery store and buy one. We had to order ours online. It came in the mail yesterday.) Everyone else is bringing side dishes. There will be traditional Thanksgiving staples: canned cranberries (also ordered from the Internet), dressing, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit and vegetable dishes, and oh so much more! CAN. NOT. WAIT.
To those of you at home: enjoy your wonderful holiday! To all of our friends back in the States: we miss you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! We cannot wait to see you soon(ish)! To all of our family back home: we are truly, honestly thankful for your constant love and support. We also wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to spending next Thanksgiving with you all! (As in… cook us a big dinner, and we eat it. ) We love you all and are thankful for the blessing of having you in our lives!! Happy Thanksgiving all!!
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